
If you are looking for outside counseling referrals or related emergency information, talk to your school counselor. After school hours, use these links or phone numbers. Please note: communication between a student and a school counselor is confidential, unless disclosure is required to prevent a clear and imminent danger to a student or others, or when legally required. A full confidentiality statement is here.


Suicide Prevention

988 Lifeline - the new three digit number for suicide prevention

Suicide Crisis Hotlines 1(800) SUICIDE or 1(800) 784-2433 or 1(800) 273-TALK or inside cover of any phonebook

Crisis Text Line text to 741741

Suicide Prevention Erie County

Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1 (800) 273-8255

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention Center of NYS

Brochure: What Every Parent Should Know About Suicide

helping a grieving child

Supporting grieving students

Thinking about suicide? Read this first.

After a Suicide


WNY Referrals

Crisis Services (716) 834-3131

Child Protective Services Hotline 1 (800) 342-3720

Catholic Charities (716) 856-4494

CARES [Crisis And Restabilization Emergency Services] (716) 882-HELP

Monsignor Carr Institute (716) 835-9745

Kids Escaping Drugs (716) 827-9462

Buffalo Psychiatric Center hotlines

Erie County Mental Health SPOA

BryLin Behavioral Health (716) 886-8200

Mental Health Advocates of WNY

Narins Eating Disorder Center

Wilson Support Center [formerly Life Transitions Center] (716) 686-8077

WNY Children's Psychiatric Center (716) 677-7000

BestSelf Behavioral Health (716) 884-0888

Adult & Teen Challenge


Addiction Treatment Resources

Prevention Council (formerly ECCPASA) (716) 831-2298

Combat Addiction

Horizon Health Services (716) 831-1800

Gobi online prevention program

PATH: People Against Human Trafficking

Addiction Center NY

Teen addiction treatment centers in WNY

Rehab in NY

National Institute on Drug Abuse

Drug Free World

Parents' Guide: Substance Abuse

Drug Rehab Connections

Vaping and e-cigs

Resources for teens on vaping and nicotine cessation

Operation Prevention

Just Think Twice

Get Smart About Drugs

Vape info from Stanford Medical

National Institutes of Health - alcohol prevention


Other Resources

NEW: For Teens: Coping After Mass Violence

NEW: Mental Health Resources During an Emergency

NEW: Helping Students After a School Shooting

NY Project Hope: Coping with Covid emotional support hotline

Talking to kids about coronavirus

Cyber Tip Line

Just Tell One

Self Injury info 1(800) DONTCUT

Recognizing Relationship Abuse

Fostering Resilience Stress Management

Cell Phone Addiction