Addiction Treatment Resources


Whether you're facing addiction personally or supporting a loved one on their journey, these resources are here to help. This list of WNY addiction resources are designed to provide support, guidance, and hope for individuals and families navigating the path to recovery. Explore these resources and take the first step towards a healthier, substance-free life today.


Prevention Council (formerly ECCPASA) (716) 831-2298

Combat Addiction

Horizon Health Services (716) 831-1800

Gobi online prevention program

PATH: People Against Human Trafficking

Addiction Center NY

Teen addiction treatment centers in WNY

Rehab in NY

National Institute on Drug Abuse

Drug Free World

Parents' Guide: Substance Abuse

Drug Rehab Connections

Vaping and e-cigs

Resources for teens on vaping and nicotine cessation

Operation Prevention

Just Think Twice

Get Smart About Drugs

Vape info from Stanford Medical

National Institutes of Health - alcohol prevention